Thursday, November 29, 2007

"The Grinch...

...Who Stole Christmas" is Eli's new favorite video to watch. We watch it almost every day.

Here is Eli watching "The Grinch" -- he was shrieking with laughter, bursting out into hysterical giggles, jumping up and down until you'd think his calf muscles must be burning, and repeating all the lines he thought were hilarious, like when the Grinch says "Santy Claus". In one part of the story, the narrator said something like, "And you know the Grinch, so slimy and slick..." and Eli said with great enthusiasm, "Yeah, I know!"

Another cute story about Eli is when I was trying to get him to go potty so that we could leave the house, he told me, "Not now, Mommy, this guitar needs playin'!" and then proceeded to play his little Elmo guitar like a rock star.

Silas likes to watch the Grinch as well. He told me, "The Grinch's heart is too small, Mommy." He also was asking for milk the other day, saying he was hungry, and then pleaded in his little voice, "Please, honey? Please, honey?"

Here are the boys playing with the snow (which is pretty much melted now) in the backyard. Daddy helped them to make a snowman. Eli really wanted the snowman to have a carrot nose. But it didn't last long, Bryan noticed that the tip of the carrot nose was missing, and then Eli just yanked the carrot out and ate the whole thing!

Eating snow... I guess they were hungry!

Eli loves to play in the snow!

Silas and Daddy

We put up our Christmas tree this week and had a special time of telling the Christmas story with their new toy nativity scene.


Sandra said...

Hi Family!

Our computer has been down all week...still is...but I see (on Rachel's laptop) you have been busy keeping your blog updated! Wow! Thanks for all your effort! It's so much fun to see pictures and read about what the kids have been up to. Isn't it fun to watch them? We put up our tree last week, but still have some other decorating to do. It sure seems as though those little guys are enjoying life! I wish I could be there to see and hear them watch "The Grinch!" Enjoy your snow...we haven't had any yet!

My love to all~
Grandma Sandra

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures and the commentary! I laughed so hard at the part about Eli responding, "Yeah, I know!" :) I can just see him squealing in delight while watching it and can't wait to see those two. ...Just a week ago we played the Grinch story on a record that Nate bought at the Bow. I've got the video, too, so we'll have to watch the show while you're here! I also found about 10 space videos, many with real footage, for an extra gift for Eli. Hopefully we'll be settled in enough to visit a lot! Talk to you soon and give hugs and smooches to my little lovebugs. Love, Auntie Jessa & Uncle Nate

Amy Miller said...

My my my! Look at that snow! I am jealous! We got our first "severe weather" warning last night and I woke up to a dusting of powder sugar (but yet I am one of 3 people at work today! ha!). Welcome to Cincinnati huh ?? :)

Loving your blog! It is so fun to watch and see what the boys are up to! Missed you guys at Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpas! Hope all is well!
Love, Amy

vinho want to be rich said...

The Grinch is my favourite Christmas movie. If you guys want to watch it too, you can find the free movie here.