Sunday, December 21, 2008

Abram's baptism

On November 16, 2008, Abram Joshua was baptized by his Grandpa Jack at our church, Immanuel Church in Fort Collins, Colorado. Bryan's parents and sister, Rachel, flew out here for a fun weekend! Enjoy the photos!

Daddy and Abram, tired after a long day.

We all went to the Budweiser plant to see the Clydesdales and enjoy the sampling room. Here are Silas and Eli with Wheeler, their new Clydesdale from Grandpa, Grandma, & Auntie Rachel!

Eli and Grandma

Rachel and silly Silas

Bryan and his dad

Me and Rachel

Bryan and his dad went to a CSU football game and had a great time.

Silas looking through the Toys'R'Us wish book...

Eli helping Grandma make blueberry pancakes!

Abram smiling and laughing at Auntie Rachel....(she is pretty funny-looking....ha ha ha)

Grandpa Jack instructing us before the baptism. Silas slept through the whole thing! (He sure was heavy!)

Grandpa prayed a beautiful prayer for Abram. It was such a nice service--the music was wonderful (Amy sang with a group of people called the Immanuel Octet) and the sermon was very meaningful.

We celebrated after church with our church family with a special cake for Abram.

The boys in their matching sport coats.

Big boy Abram, 2 months old!

Eli and Silas hugging...

Our family posing after the service.

Auntie Rachel and the boys

Rachel and Abram

After church, we had a great lunch at the Charcobroiler, and then drove up and around Horsetooth Reservoir. We live in such a beautiful area!

Sandra and Jack

Rachel, the model :)

The boys loved climbing the rocks



Bryan and I also had a chance to go out on a date without the kids (a very rare occurrence these days)! We went out for sushi, saw a 60's rendition of Shakespeare's As You Like It, and had some great coffee. Thanks, Grandpa, Grandma, and Rachel!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Wow, it has been forEVER since I posted on least it feels like it! So, I'm sure all of you have been checking the blog every day for new posts...well, at least my mom has been. :) I've got a lot to catch up on, so enjoy! These photos are from the first half of November, around election-time. Silas was voting for "John the Cain" as he called him. Eli was voting for Barack Obama. Any time we see Barack Obama on TV, the boys say with enthusiasm, "Hey, look, it's Barack Obama! Our next president!"

Abram turned 2 months old on November 12 and had a great check-up (and shots) at the doctor's office. He weighed in at a solid 14 lbs., 1 oz.! That's 97th percentile...I'm sure his cheeks must weigh a pound each! He also grew a couple inches. What a big boy!

A picture of him crying...which he RARELY does! I just had to document it! :)

Come on, Abram, you can smile!

See, this is how you do it!

There you go, Abram!

Silas and Eli

Kissing baby Abram

Abram loves his big brother, Eli!

Silas and Abram adore each other!

Eli, just after he woke up one morning.

There wasn't any room left for me once Abram, Silas, and the penguin took over my place in the bed...