Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter celebrations

The boys were excited to meet the Easter bunny. Silas was a little unsure at first, but after the bunny gave him an egg with candy in it, he warmed right up.

The Main Street Market in Wellington held an Easter carnival of sorts on Saturday morning. The boys had a lot of fun playing carnival games around the store and winning little toys and candy. Silas discovered that when playing the ring toss, it's a lot more effective to just walk up and place the ring over the stick. Below, Eli is playing the bean-bag toss while the mayor is cheering him on.

On Saturday night, we dyed Easter eggs! Eli was so excited!
Mom getting the dyes ready.

The finished product...I'm not sure who had more fun, the adults or the kids!

Easter Sunday in their matching suits...so adorable!

My new favorite photo of my 3 guys...notice the matching ties? :)

After a meaningful church service celebrating our risen Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, we had a huge potluck meal at our friends' house with a lot of other families. Thanks for hosting, Josephsons!

Easter egg hunt!

Sunday evening the boys got to open their Easter baskets, which they were thrilled about! We also told the story of the crucifixion and resurrection using the Resurrection Eggs Grandpa and Grandma Dik sent us in the mail. Eli especially got into the story. Thanks so much!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break!

We had spring break last week, and our friends, Matt and Katie Schaap, came to visit us from Minnesota. We had a great time with them! It was so good to reconnect and hang out together, just like old times.

The boys had a blast at the St. Patrick's Day parade in Old Town Fort Collins. They also got a ton of candy! Their favorite parts were the bagpipes, marching band, and bicyclists.

Silas got sleepy...all the excitement was a little overwhelming for him.

As you can see here, we each have our own computer out, and we did all sit down and spend time working on them for different reasons. We are such nerds! The only thing missing is the location and the mochas....Caribou.

Silas roped Matt into drawing pictures of animals for him on the doodle.

Silas, all ready for bed. (What?! Is that the Bachelor on TV? Who would watch such trash?!? At least it was on mute.)

Yeah, bring on March Madness!

Eli wanted to pose by his Wedgits tower, but he didn't want to smile. This is the photo that reminds me of the Bruinooge side of the family.

This time he wanted to make a silly face.

While Eli was building his Wedgits creations, Silas was running around playing. He asked me for some milk, so I went into the kitchen to get him some. I was looking around for him and finally discovered he had decided to take a nap on the floor.
It was a busy but fun week! We sure are tired, though!

Monday, March 17, 2008

What we've been up to in 2008 (so far)...

Well, since our birthdays, life has been crazy......busy, stressful, full of illnesses, difficult, but also full of small joys and some fun times together. I didn't really take many pictures these past couple of months...it all kind of seems like a blur, but I'll try to give a summary.
One fun thing Bryan and I did (that I have no photos of) is go out on a date to dinner and an opera! We really enjoyed our dinner (Thai food--yummy) and the opera, especially since one of our friends (Rebekah) was a significant performer and did an excellent job.
In the end of January, I went for a 5-day trip to Grand Rapids with some members of our church for a worship symposium. It was a very good time (although I didn't feel very well the whole trip!), and Bryan had a fun, if exhausting, time with the boys. One day they went on an "adventure," and visited the discovery science museum where they had a great time. They've been asking to go on several adventures since then!

The past couple of months also involved Bryan being much busier at work, doing several things, but mostly preparing and getting evaluated for his 3rd-year review (which went very well, but caused him a lot of stress). Bryan also had a four-day conference in Chicago, so mom and the boys have had lots of time together, mostly hanging out at home.

In February, Eli's preschool had a Mom's Tea, and Eli and his classmates performed for us. It was a very nice morning for the moms. Eli was a little grumpy and wouldn't sing during the performance, but afterward was glad to spend some time with mom.

One Saturday, I took the boys to a musical petting-zoo, where they got to play all different kinds of instruments, color tons of pictures of instruments, and dance a little to performances going on. The boys had a great time, but there were a lot of kids, so I didn't really get the chance to take any pictures. Silas impressed a lot of people when he made a loud blast come out of a baritone!

I also gave the boys their much-needed haircuts! They like to admire themselves and make faces in the mirror!

Silas has been drawing a lot lately--he likes to draw animals and people (mostly their heads and faces). In this photo he drew a picture of "Silas." Eli has been drawing a lot lately, too. He loves to watch the "How to Draw" features on his cartoon DVDs (mostly VeggieTales characters and Curious George), and then draw and color them. He has several masterpieces hanging up around his bed.

Just some photos of Eli's taste in food---raw veggies in large quantities (he ate both a whole red pepper and an entire stalk of celery).

Silas prefers suckers.

Our biggest news (that most people know about already) is that we're pregnant with child #3! We are pretty excited about it, and the baby seems to be growing and developing well. We are due mid-September so I get to be nice and large all summer long! It's been kind of a difficult pregnancy for me so far (tiredness, nausea, vomiting, bleeding, add in infections and colds...ugh) and very different from what I experienced with my first two. For a good part of this year, I've just been doing what I can to get by. We hope to find out in the next couple of months what gender the baby is! Eli says he wants another baby brother, and Silas wants a baby sister, but sometimes changes his mind. We'll have to see what God blesses us with--we hope and pray that the baby is healthy and continues to grow and have normal development.

We just had visitors here for the past five days, so I'll post more soon on our time together!