Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's been SOOOOO long!!! Update, Part I

It's been forever since I've posted on here. Guess we've had a busy couple of months! But I am ready to get back into blog-land, so here are some photos to do a quick "catch up" of our trip to Michigan in December and January birthdays! We braved the snow and icy roads to spend a couple of weeks visiting family to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Day. Although we had a couple of scares on the road, a couple of sick kids on the drive, and more than a couple big dinners and parties :), it was great to spend time with family. Abram got to meet his Grandpa Dennis, all his aunts, uncles, cousins, and great-grandparents!

Our family at Christmas 2008

Grandpa and Grandma Dik with their 5 grandsons, Braden, Silas, Abram, Sawyer, and Eli!

Four generations on the Dik side--Ralph with his son Jack, his grandson Bryan, and his great-grandson Abram.

Abram meeting more of his great-grandparents--Minnie and Howard Longstreet.

Silas loved all the bugs he got for Christmas.

Eli made a really cool robot by stacking and arranging a lot of small, flat rectangular boards.

Bryan and smiley Abram.

Grandpa and Grandma Van Guilder with their 4 grandsons, Eli, Silas, Jack, and Abram.

Santa baby.

Great-Grandma Ruthie with Abram.

Eli loved his world atlas sticker book.

Ho ho ho!!! Love the matching jammies!

Abram got lots of love and enjoyed being held!

Amy's grandparents--Miriam, Ruth, and Ross--enjoying the opening of presents!

Silas turned 3 on December 29. Grandma Dianne threw him a "Bob the Builder" birthday party!

Eating cake!

Jack, Abram, Eli, and Silas with their party hats!

All tuckered out...

When we got back to Colorado, we celebrated again with a trip to Jumpin' (an indoor inflatable bouncing facility) and cupcakes!

Silas only ate the frosting! (I really don't blame him--it's the best part!)

Eli, Mom, and Abram at Jumpin'.

Abram turned 4 months old on January 12!

Close-up of Silas and his eyes

On January 15, Eli turned 5! We spent the day at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science and had a fabulous time!

Eli got strawberry cake...his favorite!