Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's been SOOOOO long!!! Update, Part I

It's been forever since I've posted on here. Guess we've had a busy couple of months! But I am ready to get back into blog-land, so here are some photos to do a quick "catch up" of our trip to Michigan in December and January birthdays! We braved the snow and icy roads to spend a couple of weeks visiting family to celebrate Christmas and New Year's Day. Although we had a couple of scares on the road, a couple of sick kids on the drive, and more than a couple big dinners and parties :), it was great to spend time with family. Abram got to meet his Grandpa Dennis, all his aunts, uncles, cousins, and great-grandparents!

Our family at Christmas 2008

Grandpa and Grandma Dik with their 5 grandsons, Braden, Silas, Abram, Sawyer, and Eli!

Four generations on the Dik side--Ralph with his son Jack, his grandson Bryan, and his great-grandson Abram.

Abram meeting more of his great-grandparents--Minnie and Howard Longstreet.

Silas loved all the bugs he got for Christmas.

Eli made a really cool robot by stacking and arranging a lot of small, flat rectangular boards.

Bryan and smiley Abram.

Grandpa and Grandma Van Guilder with their 4 grandsons, Eli, Silas, Jack, and Abram.

Santa baby.

Great-Grandma Ruthie with Abram.

Eli loved his world atlas sticker book.

Ho ho ho!!! Love the matching jammies!

Abram got lots of love and enjoyed being held!

Amy's grandparents--Miriam, Ruth, and Ross--enjoying the opening of presents!

Silas turned 3 on December 29. Grandma Dianne threw him a "Bob the Builder" birthday party!

Eating cake!

Jack, Abram, Eli, and Silas with their party hats!

All tuckered out...

When we got back to Colorado, we celebrated again with a trip to Jumpin' (an indoor inflatable bouncing facility) and cupcakes!

Silas only ate the frosting! (I really don't blame him--it's the best part!)

Eli, Mom, and Abram at Jumpin'.

Abram turned 4 months old on January 12!

Close-up of Silas and his eyes

On January 15, Eli turned 5! We spent the day at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science and had a fabulous time!

Eli got strawberry cake...his favorite!


Anonymous said...

Glad you're baaaaaaaack!!!!! Love all the Christmas pics - the boys are growing up so fast. I need to install that darn skype thingy. Love you!!
Grandma Di

Sandra said...

Hi Amy! I've looked at these pictures several times already. You have some very creative shots here. Great job and thanks for the update! I love seeing you all! We miss you...