Friday, April 18, 2008

the zoo!

Last Saturday our family went to the Denver Zoo to celebrate Adam and Aaron Brown's (Eli's identical twin friends) 4th birthday! It was a little cold, but we had a fun time!

Impromptu family photo of the 5 of us...yes, I am definitely showing!

The birthday party gang: Monique, Thea, Alex, Staci, Aaron, Allison, Henry, Austin, Adam, Silas, Esther, Gwendolyn, Haley, Destin, Henry, and Eli! Quite a crazy crew! (One of the parents yelled, "Look, there's a dinosaur!" to get them all to look at the cameras). For a while after that, Silas kept asking where the dinosaur was.

Why use your fingers when you can just dig right in with your face?

Grizzly bear! The kids were all growling to get the bear to look at us. I was just glad he was behind the fence.

One of their favorite things to do--play the drums!

Ring-tailed lemur

The boys rode the carousel. Eli got to ride on a hippo, while Silas got the big baboon eating a banana.

Silas was very excited to see the elephants, but we were inside so I didn't get a great photo of them.

Another majestic animal I was glad to be on the other side of the fence of.

Going to see the gorillas--Eli's current favorite animal!


Anonymous said...

Fun times!! How 'bout we meet you there on Saturday? ;)

Anonymous said...

Love the post....I think I had a stuffed gorilla for about 8 years that I didn't know what to do gave it away - rats. You should have him watch Tarzan and get some natl geographic videos...a special was just on tv last week about a twenty some year old silverback that they had lots of footage of and had been observing for years...pretty cool to see. Maybe they'll repeat it so you can tape it....also animal planet has lots on gorillas. :) you're definitely showing, mama! Looking good! Give them all smooches for me and Uncle Nate.

Amy Miller said...

I LOVE THE ZOO! What fun! But there was one picture missing -- I wanted to see Silas AFTER he ate his cupcake because there was NO way you could stay clean after digging in face first :) My kinda man!

And Amy -- Love the belly!! You are looking great!